It is sad to say that I hear about President Trump's tweets weekly and I don't have a Twitter account.
Daily Trump is typing tweets on social media for the world to see. At first I was angered and appalled by the things Trump has tweeted about ( ban on transgenders in the military, "crooked Hillary Clinton", Barney Frank's protruding nipples, etc) but then I came to the conclusion that this is a news tactic for him...
I have never seen/heard of a leader as big as the president using social media as a way to address the people. In my opinion, I do not think it is the best method in his interest. This is because he does not know when to stop his tantrums. His followers may agree with him, but I know that most people that I have come in contact with do not think he is intelligent- even more so because of his Twitter account.
His account is famous!
His tweets are his way of expressing his OPINIONS, not facts*.
Everyone should be entitled to their own opinion. We as the people need to realize that a majority of what Trump is addressing on his internet outlet is irrelevant and we cannot change that. We need to accept the fact that he has a Twitter account and move on. Focus on what Trump is actually doing to the United States not feed into his news tactic.
Better yet, put time and energy into current events that are occurring in 2017 as a result of Trump being President.
I think that president Trump used the media on general and twitter specifically to spread what seemed like his controversial opinions but in fact it was a tool to be knowing, to be heard and to be talked about. I believe that he didn’t really care about what subject he tweets about as much as he cares about the reaction that he is going to get from the media and all the people who will re tweet his tweets. And to be fair, the tactic that he used really helped him to win the elections. I mean, the media criticism to Trump’s tweets was a free way for him to be all over the TV, the internet, and the newspapers front pages. The thing that Trump can’t realize is that he is not on the elections anymore, he is already famous, and he need to act as the president of the United States and the commander-in-chief instead of tweets offending subjects that brings him more attention (in a bad way mostly).
ReplyDeleteAs good adults with older parents we take responsible over what we let our parents do. At some point we take away privileges and freedom because they can no longer handle them responsibly. Things like a car. free reign with their money and there smartphone. Yet we haven't done that form the president. He is our America's elderly parent but yet he still has his twitter account were he is able to share his OPINIONS on things not do not matter with an international audience. I feel like I'm not stressing this enough that he is postings his feelings and opinions for the world to see and they take them as fact because he holds of the most powerful seats in the world.