Friday, November 24, 2017

Blog Stage Six- Commentary on a classmates blog

I decided to reply to Michelle's blog regarding Trump rolling back the Affordable Care Act. There is too much that one can type about this topic, but I tried to keep it short and to the point. Her thoughts were concise and she referred to the online article to prove her reasoning. 

This is my reply to her blog:
"I think it is fair to say that Michelle and I see eye to eye on the on the topic of Trump vs. birth control.
Being a female, it pains me even more to say that women in 2017 are having to fear their rights being revoked. I don't think it phases Trump, because he is a MALE. Male condoms are not being taken away, so why should politics make it more difficult for women to practice safe sex? Men are not losing anything in this situation and that is why both genders are not on the same side regarding this topic of birth control. Whether a person's insurance covers birth control or not, should not be based on religion. The first amendment defines separation of church and state."

Friday, November 3, 2017

Trump's nasty tweets

It is sad to say that I hear about President Trump's tweets weekly and I don't have a Twitter account.

Daily Trump is typing tweets on social media for the world to see. At first I was angered and appalled by the things Trump has tweeted about ( ban on transgenders in the military, "crooked Hillary Clinton", Barney Frank's protruding nipples, etc) but then I came to the conclusion that this is a news tactic for him...
I have never seen/heard of a leader as big as the president using social media as a way to address the people. In my opinion, I do not think it is the best method in his interest. This is because he does not know when to stop his tantrums. His followers may agree with him, but I know that most people that I have come in contact with do not think he is intelligent- even more so because of his Twitter account.
His account is famous!
His tweets are his way of expressing his OPINIONS, not facts*.
Everyone should be entitled to their own opinion. We as the people need to realize that a majority of what Trump is addressing on his internet outlet is irrelevant and we cannot change that. We need to accept the fact that he has a Twitter account and move on. Focus on what Trump is actually doing to the United States not feed into his news tactic.

Better yet, put time and energy into current events that are occurring in 2017 as a result of Trump being President.