Friday, October 20, 2017

Trump won't let the wall idea go

On Saturday, August 26, 2017, an opinion poll was posted onto the New York Times, titled Castillo: A border wall by any means remains Trump's obsession. 

Juan Castillo seems to be an intelligent man who continuously keeps up with politics, especially Trump. He has multiple article's that he has wrote before as well as after the one I chose that was created in August of 2017. Sadly, this article is still very much relevant in our news in October...Trump is still advocating to build a wall on the U.S.- Mexico border. I believe that his intended audience is for the whole public (who wishes to stay informed on current news/politics), but especially the population of Texas and people coming to and from Mexico. I say this, because he mentions Texans pushing back on this idea and uses a quote from a Republican, U.S. Sen. John Cornyn of Texas who "seemed to give Trump the benefit of the doubt". I believe that this author is credible, because I have heard/read other non-opinion sources voice the same facts that were relayed in this article. I do have to add that I would have liked to see this author include different sources embedded in his article from other author's other than himself, to back up his evidence even more. He uses percentages, specific amounts of money and large numbers regarding immigrant population from Mexico that I or someone else might not know to be factual unless I had another credible source claiming the same to be true. I agree with the author in saying that Trump's persistence on building this wall and threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get it- is insane.

Friday, October 6, 2017

"Trump's Scandals, a List" Opinionated Article from The New York Times

Yesterday, on October 5th, David Leonhardt wrote an article under the "Opinion" column for The New York Times. This article is titled "Trump's Scandals, a List".

This opinionated article is very much so a short-to-the-point list and is intended to be read by people who are somewhat aware of President Trump's history within his presidency. I agree with this author, because even though his bullet points are short, he includes links to other trustworthy articles to back up his argument. Leonhardt is trying to convey President Trump's numerous amounts of scandals and wrongdoings among his family but mainly himself. I think that this author is credible, because he has wrote other opinionated article's that are well written and include substantial evidence. This author claims that Trump has a long list of scandals that continues to grow, because of the power that he has now as being the President and also simply due to the fact that he keeps getting away with these situations that should never happen in the first place (" Eric Trump has been giving his father quarterly updates on the financial health of his businesses, despite promises that the president would have no involvement"). I enjoyed reading this article, because the author was not trying to force his opinions down my throat (unlike some of the other opinion columns). I like reading news articles that are somewhat opinionated, but also allow me to make my own judgement on the topic at the end of the day.